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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Characteristics of Being - II

“I Wish I could make people realize what they have is better than what they want ... and the world would be a better place..."

Extending on the last part of the "The Bubble of illusion" .We talk today about the characteristics of being. 

The characteristics of being are driven by factors. These factors influence, motivate & change the way of one’s behavior.

5 things that makes this happen are, 

1. What you think others think of you
2. What you think of others
3. What you think of yourself
4. Local Emotions
5. Past References

These more or less, cover all the variables that cause a change to your characteristics of being. 

What you think of others?

All you have been doing all this time is recollecting all the bad memories with this person. What we tend to do, is recollect parts of the story. The story that we make up of some fact that happened in our past. 
Some instance happened long back, and you remember this one part of it that makes your hold more strong against the person you are trying very hard to dislike.

Now, once you get something against this person. All the instances of the past would be filtered in a way for you to think in this negative direction for this person. Those thoughts were never there in your head, but as you have now made an image of this person to be bad, you will filter all the good out and automatically characterize yourself to behave in a certain way and expect something to always happen in the way you have thought it. (The negative way)

The realization here is that, it’s not important that you view a bad image but to have enough good memories and to train yourself to bring them back to you in order to at least stay neutral and not judgmental.  

 "You have already made the choice, you are just doing it to learn why you choose it in the first place" - The Matrix revolution.

What you think others think of you?

Almost everyone thinks something about someone, and we are always worried about it.  More than half our lives go waste, living for what we are supposed to do in order to be a part, be accepted, and be normal. There is fakeness/pretence in the way we look at what people/someone might think of us. 

Humans exist to make meaning, do this we make meaning out of everything. We always try to find the pattern, which is ok!!! But, when there is no pattern and we still make a false judgment and live by it for most of our lives, called FALSE Belief. 

This Belief is not what others think of you, cause that’s there own stupid problem. The problem is what you think, others think of you. I have seen people, who sometimes think too highly of themselves, when the world thinks otherwise.Atleast, these people are very happy, because they have the wrong perception. This works wonders for them & you would always find someone like this, who is doing better than you.

It’s wonderful to live in this optimism. The other way round does not work. Be it anything, not coming out and expressing love, feelings, hatred, observation & thought for the simple heck of being judged is what is going to make you, go all the way down to the wire of being not satisfied. 

Never being able to do something, because someone else thinks it’s right, wrong, inappropriate or disgraceful is a problem that will stay with you forever. It’s not something that will grow out with experience, because it’s a problem of attitude and not thought, and it’s only inside your head.

"The only person you’re accountable too, is the one you see in the mirror every morning"

So, go ahead and stop worrying about the way you are being thought off, cause that will never stop. You can never do everything right and no one truly cares, 
They all have to think about what others are thinking of them!! :) 

What you think of yourself?
Have you come across someone, who says,"I know I am aggressive? Well!! That’s the way I am”
That person is you.

Another problem of this modern world is self image. Everyone has a certain image of themselves in mind. These images of one self drive a lot of characteristics of being. You already have a certain image of your good points and bad points, and you like to believe them. If someone is telling you something else, they are hurting your belief and you don’t like that.

If you think you are a Kamina, and people call you that you are ok with it.
If you don’t think of yourself as a ghot, and someone calls you that, you are bewildered. (How the hell!!) 

Possibly true, isn’t it!!

We all have a thought telling us, what we really think of ourselves. This enhances our mind to act like that, and behave in a certain manner so as to be true to this one's image. This leads to one doing a lot of things, they would certainly not have, only to prove to one that they have these traits.

Again, thinking well about you, being positive about it has no harm. But, the other side of the coin is what really makes people go crazy. People end up doing a lot of stuff, getting into relationships, and smoking, wear odd clothes, and hamper a peaceful environment, because they tell themselves that are their characteristics. But, the truth is not that. This FALSE PERSONALITY. 

This need arises by seeing someone of this trait; get something that you have always wished for. Its comes out of the need to achieve, need to revolt, need to please someone or cheat yourself with the truth.

"More than the action, the motive behind it truly classifies a MAN"

Local Emotions

One is never able to truly understand how humans feel & express their nature. Emotions are the measure of how we feel. Good, bad, Happy Sad, etc. etc
What we do is- we react to everything around us. To jokes on us, at us, at someone and everything else as a matter of fact. With the three explanations provided above, we see how we react in situations and they are more or less similar.
Local emotions, is a reaction that comes out in moments of fights, joy, and grave situations etc.To put in easier terms of understanding, Local emotions are expressions we choose to represent our feelings in moments of thought free response. Something very similar to ours, spinal cord. Here, the processing is not available and it’s a spontaneous.
These spontaneous reactions, through emotions also have the ability to make us alter our characteristic of being, in a splash of a second. Because the registration of the reaction is new, and not calculated or pretence and can have a leading impact in memory, about someone or something.

"Don't look at life through moments, see each moment as a flash of life and then you will truly live"

 These emotions, can work both ways and there is nothing much can be done about their impact, after all we are humans. The effect of the thoughts created due to these new expressions in the memory, can be discharged similar to capacitors over a period of time.

Past References

How often has it happened, that you see someone!! You see someone; they resemble someone you have already interacted with. This places a very important role, for the first time you interact with this person.
What we do, is instantaneously refer to the similar person from our past and already create a mental image of how this person is going to behave with us.

This leads to either being too friendly, or showing a cold shoulder to the person. We judge the person, even before that person has spoken the first word. Now, that he/she is characterized into someone, someplace, and everything he /she say takes your mind in that direction and with the filters up. You classify the statements made by him/her, the way you want and wow!! They both seem so similar.

This trait could lead to a lot of difficult realizations in future and then would characterize your mind into something totally opposite of what it is. You might sway from one thought to another about the person, but never be able to really know them. And it is always your choice, and not the one who you are judging.

"Don't let your past, live in your present will ruin your future" - Bill Gates

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